Title Integruotų marketingo komunikacijų taikymas informacinių technologijų įmonėse /
Translation of Title Application of integrated marketing communications in information technologies companies.
Authors Vyšniauskas, Vitalijus
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Pages 76
Abstract [eng] The object of the graduation paper is to reveal LLC “Jumsoft” use of promotion mix. The main objectives are to investigate LLC “Jumsoft’s” promotion mix using theorical and practical information with the analysis of survey. To reach the work goal there were made such tasks: • Describe promotion mix. • Examine theorical aspects of promotion mix. • Present characteristics of analyzed company. • Practically examine elements of promotion mix used at “Jumsoft”. Investigation methods: Analysis of scientific literature, analysis of company’s internal documents, analysis of resources located on the Internet, information from practice. Work structure: There are 52 pages where first part of work is 22 pages, second – 12 and third part features 14 pages. There are 6 tables and 15 figures in work. The first part of work features theorical aspects of promotion mix. Every single element of promotion mix is described. Second part of work features characteristics of company “Jumsoft” and it’s used element’s of promotion. There is a survey-based investigation in the third part of work, which explains the opinion of “Jumsoft’s” customers and methodology of created survey.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014