Title Batrachium (DC.) Gray genties rūšys Lietuvos tekančiuose vandenyse /
Translation of Title Species of batrachium (dc.) gray genus in lithuanian flowing waters.
Authors Laurinavičiūtė, Lina
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Abstract [eng] Batrachium (DC.) Gray genus in taxonomical aprroach is one of the most complex in the group of water plants. Their taxonomy is overloaded with a great variety of indications, polyploidy and hybridization, predominance of vegetative reproduction. The accurate determination of Batrachium species as well as their prevalence is extemely important not only in scientific approach, but also for consideration of the questions of their protection. River rapids with kurkles species is inserted into the list of dwellings of European importance. The variety of Batrachium genus species in Lithuania is not indicated. The work contains revision of Batrachium (DC.) Gray genus plant examples (collected in 1923 – 2006) that are being kept in the herbariums of Botanic Institute (BILAS) and Vilnius University (WI). 250 examples have been studied in all, 131 of which are from flowing waters. 36 of them are described for the first time, 14 are redescribed into other species, the describtion of 32 examples is confirmed and 37 examples are not described because of their improper collection. According to the data of the herbariums Lithuanian flowing waters contain 5 Batrachium genus species: B. aquatile (L.) Dumort., B. circinatum (Sibth.) Spach, B. fluitans (Lam.) Wimm., B. penicillatum Dumort., B. trichophyllum (Chaix) Bosch. The area analysis and the examples of the herbariums approve the prevalence of B. fluitans and B. penicillatum in Lithuania. B. fluitans is located in the Nothern part of the area in Lithuanian territory. Two sub-species of B. penicillatum are being found: B. penicillatum subsp. pseudofluitans (without floating leaves) and B. penicillatum subsp. penicillatum (with expressive floating leaves). B. aquatile, B. circinatum ir B. trichophyllum species in Lithuanian rivers are of rare occurrence and only can be found in slowly flowing waters. The question of Batrachium kauffmannii (Clerc) V. Krecz. in Lithuanian rivers is being left open.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014