Abstract [eng] |
SUMMARY The consequences of contracts concluded by agents The need of agency arose not always, but only when civil relations participants meet some kind of heaviness, when appears circumstances which settle the inability of a subject personally to implement his subjective rights and duties. Reasons why the contract is entrusted to conclude to an agent can be very different: illness, business trip, big employment and etc. For example, the foreign investment for the reason that he cannot arrive to Lithuania, entrusts foreign capital enterprise establishment contract to conclude through agent. During the development of international relationship the agency institute became even more important. In the analysis of agency institute one of most important questions is the arise of legal consequences of contracts made by agent. This question is analyzed in this work. The work consists of preface, three chapters, which are divided into smaller sections and conclusions. In the first chapter is analyzed the notion and meaning of agency, also discussed the kinds of power of attorney. Second chapter is designated for the disclosing of the circumstances of contracts concluded by the agent. In this chapter are analyzed the consequences of contract concluded without exceed of rights seen in the power of attorney and with exceed of these rights. Because commercial agency has some singularities so in the third chapter is discussed commercial agency case, when procurator, the trade agent and others persons concludes contracts and its consequences In the end of work are given conclusions. The biggest part of work sources is court’s practice, because there is not much scientific literature on this theme. |