Title Moterų socialinė-ekonominė situacija Lietuvos kaime /
Translation of Title Socio-Economic situation of women in countryside of lithuania.
Authors Rutkauskaitė, Živilė
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Pages 76
Abstract [eng] Socio-Economic Situation of Women in Countryside of Lithuania Summary This master‘s dissertation is focused on the situation of women from the territorial point of view, therefore women living in rural areas are emphasized here. Life in such areas has it‘s own particularity: air pollution is extended to a lesser degree, landscape is more picturesque and wider spread of nature – all those factors are typical of countryside. On the other hand, worse social facilities, less employment and career possibilities, complicated means of communication are more applicable in rural than in urban areas. The subject of rural women is not fully explored in scientific literature yet that’s why given information is not enough circumstantial and quite fragmentary. Topical issues usually dealt are poverty among rural women, bad living conditions, high workload, passive participation in social and cultural activities, increased young and educated women migration to cities. Because of these reasons women living in rural areas are facing a bigger probability to experience social exclusion. The main objective in this dissertation is to analyze socio-economic situation of rural women in Širvintos region revealing socio-economic factors which have a big impact on situation of rural women and determine a social exclusion. With the view of implementation of proposed object, there was an empirical research carried out and employable rural women were polled in Širvintai region. There was a questionnaire made to carry out the survey. To find out the socio-economic situation of rural women there was used 7 characteristic features: employment, structure of income, marital status, education, living conditions, participation in public life, political activity. Used methods of research are questionnaire survey and secondary data analysis. Results of the analysis revealed socio-economic situation of rural women which is dependent on the peculiarity of rural area. There was noticed a restraint adaptability of rural women to live in worse living conditions. At once, the changing conception of traditional family, less significance of family as a value for women living in rural areas and the suppression of family as a source of welfare has shown up. Despite the development of country communities and initiatives of expansion, rural women’s participation in such activities is still quite passive. However, more than a half of women are interested in social life issues and its solution: they take an interest in politics and it mostly depends on their education and age. As the results of research have shown, rural women who do not have snug income, own house and do not engage in a rewarding social or economic activity, they have the biggest probability to be the part of social disjuncture. In summary of the results it became evident that education is probably the most important factor which has a big influence on socio-economic situation of rural women.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014