Abstract [eng] |
Relations between academic achievements and different variables have been investigated for more than 100 years. Recently, nonintellectual factors are becoming more and more popular among investigators. Also, these factors receive more empirical evidences supporting they predictive validity. One of these factors are personality traits and cognitive style. Personality traits could be decrypted as predispositions to think, feel, and behave in consistent ways relatively independent of the situation, context, and time (Chamorro-Premuzic ir Furnham, 2006). Cognitive style is an individual way to process information in some relatively stable way independently from content of information. The purpose of this research is to analyze links between five personality dimensions and 30 personality traits which were derived from Five Factor Model, broad/narrow equivalence range cognitive style, which reflects a tendency of a person to separate objects in to few/many groups, and academic achievements obtained in a school and university. 176 first and second year students from Vilnius University from different specialties took part in the research. They were given the Lithuanian version ((Žukauskienė ir Barkauskienė, 2006) of the NEO PI-R personality inventory (Costa and McCrae, 1992), the questionnaire for academic achievements to fulfil and words grouping task. Following results were obtained: a) academic achievements in a university statistically significantly correlate with Conscientiousness personality factor and Competence, Order, Achievement striving, Self – discipline and Deliberation traits; b) Personality factors and traits have low predictive validity for academic achievements in a university; c) mathematics’ state exam results statistically significantly positively correlate with Conscientiousness personality factor and Competence, Dutifulness, Achievement striving and negatively correlate with Tender-mindedness and Actions personality traits for men; d) mathematics’ state exam results statistically significantly positively correlate with Ideas personality trait and negatively with Tender-mindedness and Vulnerability; e) cognitive style depends on a gender; f) there no links between academic achievements in school and cognitive style; g) individuals who posses narrow equivalence cognitive style have higher academic achievements in school in comparison to those who posses broad equivalence cognitive style h) cognitive style and some of the personality traits are linked. |