Abstract [eng] |
TAMUŠAUSKAS, Virginijus. (2010) .The Influence of Physical Education on Sales Efficiency. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University. 72 p. SUMMARY Theme relevance. The elements of physical environment are the foundation of service, because it is intangible. The firms have to create visual association on purpose to develop tangible assets – interior, place arrangement, presence of employees etc. It is essencial to create such physical environment where consumer feels the benefits of service before he/she tries it. The goal of every firm is to get revenue and profit – physical environment can promote the sales together with revenue if it is well organized. The subject of this research – the elements of physical environment that promote sales efficiency. The goals of search work: 1. To present comprehensive theoretical grounding about the influence of physical environment on sales efficiency according to various scientific literature. 2. To develop theoretical model of ideal physical environment which promote sales. 3. To fulfil the analysis of physical environment usage on sales efficiency promotion. 4. To accomplish experimental research using physical environment as sales promotion tool. 5. To improve designed ideal physical environment model with the conclusions of experimental research. The main conclusions. The physical environment is a part of „7P“ complex and involves the exterior, the interior, the equipment and the tools of communication and influence the behaviour of consumers through their five senses. The model of ideal physical environment that stimulates effective sales consist of two parts – one is the dimensions of physical environment itself: elements, sorts, functions and types that influence the decision of buying or not, and the other is sales effectiveness which is described by consumers flow, amount of sold items, time and revenue. The results of many studies mark that physical environment may influence positive evaluation of a product, increase brand recognition, stimulate consumers to pay more and become loyal. The experimental study showed that improvement of physical environment increases the sales of vending machines in number of sold cups. The usage of disposable paper cups have not proved out, because these cups were hooking in the machine constantly. When vending machines were sticked with special membrane sales grew up 12,11 persent and when a smell of coffee was fixed to the ventilator sales increased 7,43 persent. |