Abstract [eng] |
Object - perspectives of Lithuanian International Trade. Purpose – to examine potential perspectives of Lithuanian international trade development. Objectives: • To describe instruments and institutions of international trade regulation. • To review Lithuanian foreign trade situation in global international trade system. • To carry out SWOT analysis of Lithuanian international trade system. • To provide tendencies and perspectives of Lithuanian foreign trade. Hypothesis – Lithuanian foreign trade has a lot of unrealized international trade opportunities. Structure: This paper consists of three main parts. The first part describes the concept of international trade, its advantages, disadvantages and instruments of foreign trade regulation. The second part analyses the aspects of Lithuanian international trade, its statistical indexes, and it shows its strong and weak sides. The third part provides analysis and interpretation of research which reveals Lithuanian foreign trade tendencies and perspectives. The survey-based investigation showed that Lithuania’s main export partners are the EU countries and there is a tendency for the export to increase to the Russian market. The investigation showed Lithuanian companies’ strong sides which involve cheap manpower resources and good geographical position to export goods to the EU and Russian markets. In conclusion, it has been indentified that Lithuanian foreign trade volume will increase and it has unrealized perspectives of Lithuanian international trade. Contains of the paper. There are 66 pages in this work, 11 tables and 26 pictures. |