Title Skirtinguose karjeros etapuose esančių darbuotojų motyvavimo ypatumai ir poveikis jų lojalumui /
Translation of Title Employee motivating features and it’s influence on their loyalty in different stages of career.
Authors Noreikaitė, Neringa
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Pages 88
Abstract [eng] The theme relevance and necessity of its decision: The shortness of employee loyalty and motivation is one of the biggest problems facing organizations today. According to the data of Lithuania largest public opinion and market research Company TNS Gallup, Lithuanian staff loyalty is one of the lowest in the Baltic countries but also across Europe: less than one out of nine workers feel motivated at work and loyal to the company, which they belong to. In particular, it is difficult to motivate and retain young people in an organization when their life is driven by new challenges and changes. Or, older workers, who take a critical view on any new developments and make it difficult to survive any change. Therefore, one of the most important tasks for human resource management in nowadays organization is to create such a motivation system which not only meets workers' needs in the different career stages, but also to promote its loyalty to the organization. The object of search work - employee motivation and loyalty in the different stages of carrier. The goals of the work: 1. Distinguish reasoning methods and tools suited to motivate employees in various stages of their careers. 2. To evaluate different motivating methods and their impact of increasing workers' loyalty to the organization. 3. Compose empirical research model of motivation and loyalty in the different stages of carrier. 4. Identify the factors influencing employee motivation at different career stages and to assess their impact on the employees' loyalty to tourism and recreation sector companies. The main results of the research: Analysis of the motivation conception by various authors highlighted that motivating tools for the various career stages of workers can be divided into tangible (financial and non financial) and intangible (psychological, moral) motivation success depends on proper coordination between them. To manage a career and well-motivated staff in various stages of their careers, it is necessary not only to know and understand what is specific for a particular career stage, but also be able to choose any reasonable motivating tools, according to the prevailing needs of workers in a given career stage, and depending on their degree of commitment to the organization. The investigation shows, that Kaunas region tourism and recreation sector workers in the early stage of career characterizes themselves as the highest motivating and the lowest – in the mid-career stage. However, the study revealed that, Kaunas region tourism and recreation sector employees organizational commitment is the highest in the mid-career stage, while the lowest - in the early career stage. The highest employees loyalty in this sector noticed in the early career stage, while the lowest – in the late career stage. Although just as it was considered more important motivating factors were employees located at an early stage of career, and hygiene - in the late carrier stage, however, at all career stages hygiene factors enhancing Kaunas region tourism and recreation sector motivation is now more important than the motivators. The analysis also showed that immaterial factors important for building staff loyalty not only in early but also in late career stage, and material - only in mid career stage. The structure and largeness of work: The search work consists of introduction, three parts and conclusions. The main working materials described on 68 pages, including 10 charts and 19 pictures. The list of literature consists of 67 sources.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014