Abstract [eng] |
SUMMARY “Features of Resocialisation of Persons Sentenced to Long-Term Imprisonment” Lately, many studies have been carried out in Lithuania aiming at finding out problems related to the integration of former prisoners into society, their socialisation and rehabilitation as well as alternative imprisonment measures, such as probation and parole. Meanwhile, not much attention is given to the resocialisation of persons sentenced to long-term imprisonment not entitled to any of the alternative punishment measures. This issue should be very important for the society, as the long-term isolation of a person results in the loss of social relations and skills, thus making the resocialisation process much more difficult. The objective of the Thesis is to describe and analyse the features of the resocialisation of persons sentenced to long-term imprisonment. Both the quantitative and the qualitative methods of research have been used in the study. Questionnaires were completed by forty persons sentenced to long-term imprisonment (exceeding the term of 5 years) and serving their sentence in Lukiškės Remand Prison – Closed Prison. The study included men of different age, education and marital status. The analysis if the questionnaire results showed that the majority of the prisoners mostly maintained relations with their parents (67%) while serving their sentence. The prisoners describe their relationship with the Prison Administration as being “average” (60%). Computer informatics was the most popular programme among persons sentenced to long-term imprisonment (43%). As many as 40% of the prisoners suggest that the society / Prison Administration should pay more attention to the organisation of cultural evens or other forms of communication. The prisoners are positive about their perspectives for the future: “All is well after certain difficulties are dealt with” (72%). Two persons took part in the qualitative study (narrative interview). Based on the interview results biographical portraits of the respondents were developed, which helped disclose the key features of the resocialisation of the typical group, viz. the importance of preserving social relations, the significance of communicating with the “outer” world, the urgency to adjust the finer points of the “inner” prison life. Results of the study allow drawing the conclusion that the preservation of social relations and skills is one of the key socialisation features of persons sentenced to long-term imprisonment. |