Title Vilniaus rajono mokyklos jaunuolių iš disfunkcinių šeimų ateities vizija /
Translation of Title The vision on their future perspectives of adolescents from dysfunctional families in vilnius district schools.
Authors Simanovič, Vitalija
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Pages 54
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY The relevance and the problem of the subject. Nowadays we hear more often about the children from the dysfunctional families, their needs and integration to the society. We pay more and more attention to them and create support and integration system step by step. Social neglect of children from dysfunctional families is related to the problematic way of life of the family, neglect of a child, bad influence of the nearest social environment, lack of parents, viewpoint of their friends to these children. Position of the children from dysfunctional families in Lithuania and all over the world is closely related to spheres of social policy and social security. The problems of children’s wellbeing are discussed and analyzed both in Lithuania and other countries in these latter years, because the problems of children’s poverty and social exclusion are relevant. Aim of the master paper - to examine the peculiarities of life of the dysfunctional families, to look over the points of education, communication, learning motivation of the children from these families, determine expectation for the future, the goals of life. Objectives of the master paper: • to analyze literature about dysfunctional families, expectation of youth from such families; • to ascertain relations, importance of education between parents and children; • to ascertain reasons, that cause no nattendance of a school; • to ascertain the influence of peers to the children from the dysfunctional families. Object of the master paper– the vision of future of children from the dysfunctional families in the schools of Vilnius district. Methods of the master paper: analysis of literature and a dossier poll. Structure of the master paper: In the theoretical part on the basis of the resources of literature there have been made a survey of the situation of the dysfunctional families, circumstances and problems of their integration to the society. In the practical part of this paper there have been made an analysis of the life, problems, expectation and objectives of the children from the dysfunctional families.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014