Title Korporatyvinio prekės ženklo pokyčių valdymas /
Translation of Title Corporate brand changes management.
Authors Tamošaitytė, Jovita
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Pages 73
Abstract [eng] Corporate brand is an overall of that company do, how company behave, with all it‘s visions, values, identity, image and other facts about the company. The main parts of corporate brand are identity, image and reputation. The corporate brand identity is an idea of the all organization and how it is presented to differences stakeholders groups. The image is seen as a reflection of corporate identity and that the audience has in the minds as a result of all corporate brand communication. Corporate brand identity is interpreted as a whole company ethos, aims ad values that create a strong sense of individuality which differentiates a brand. A strong corporate branding strategy can add significant value in terms of helping the entire corporation and the management team to implement the long-term vision, create unique positions in the market place. The authors suggest couple corporate brand strategies. J.Kunde model summarize other authors models. The strategy with strong corporate brand domination defines organizations where the entire company uses the same visual style, logo ect. and entire company is easy recognized. The middle strategy with middle corporate brand domination level defines organization where subsidiaries have their own style and distinction and the parent company is still visible. And finally the strategy without corporate brand domination or too low domination level is about a number of products and it‘s brands, where is difficult to know who is the parent company. Communication is the strong part to ensure strong corporate brand. There are to view of corporate brand communication: integrated corporate communication, as an organization, management and marketing communication integration, and corporate marketing communication, as marketing with the main message oriented to corporate stakeholders’ groups. The main part of corporate brand managing and support plays communication. There are three forms of corporate communication: management, organizational and marketing. Corporate communication helps company attractive images with stakeholders groups, build a strong corporate brand, manage and support it, develop the reputation. The research shows, that banking sector corporate brand changes were mostly influenced of strategic drivers. Moreover, corporate brand changes were making by similar and through similar communication tools: as verbal and visual identity system elements, corporate and subcorporate situation facts, company goals, corporate brand strategy. In concluding the companies implementing new corporate brand identity change according to mother company corporate brand conception, but with common banking sector associations. In contrast corporate brand identity managing should be implementing on corporate brand positioning framework with strong personality and purpose to make a lodgment in stakeholders’ minds.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014