Title Paramos smulkiam ir vidutiniam verslui įtakos naujų darbo vietų kūrimui vertinimas /
Translation of Title The evaluation of small and medium business support influence on new work places creation.
Authors Ginkus, Artūras
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Pages 133
Abstract [eng] Topic (The Evaluation of Small and Medium Business Support Influence on New Work Places Creation) was chosen because of today economical situation in Lithuania, when GDP is growing strongly, but inflation grow even more and in this situation new work places creation becomes vital indicator of economical growth. Therefore arise problem, what small and medium business support measures have biggest influence on new work places creation. The aim of the study is to evaluate small and medium business support efficiency and identify what support measures have biggest influence on new work places creation. The tasks of the study: To define the conception of small and medium business. To determine advantages and disadvantages of SME. To determine small and medium business developmental barriers. To consider the importance of small and medium business. To consider small and medium business support measures. To analyse evaluation of small and medium business support efficiency studies which took place in Lithuania. To prepare methodology for evaluation of small and medium business support efficiency. To carry out the investigation of small and medium business support measures efficiency. The paper consists of three parts: theoretical, analytical and practical. The theoretical part consists of the conception of small and medium business, advantages and disadvantages of SME, barriers for small and medium business development and importance of SME. This part is based on theories of foreign authors, Lithuanian authors works and articles of science, internet databases. In analytical part I’m analysing evaluation of small and medium business support efficiency studies, which took place in Lithuania. I prepare methodology for evaluation of small and medium business support efficiency. In the practical part there is the research results. All information is sum up, analyze in diagram forms. The finding and offers are described. The results of the study showed that biggest influence on new work places creation have tax deductions. Small and medium business support measures have very good influence on new work places creation. This is very important finding, which could help to improve support even more. Work consists of 99 pages, 17 tables and 31 pictures.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014