Title Pasitenkinimo veiksnio raiška, formuojant paslaugų vartotojų lojalumą /
Translation of Title The expression of satisfaction factor forming the loyalty of service consumers.
Authors Gumauskienė, Lina
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Pages 97
Abstract [eng] GUMAUSKIENĖ Lina (2008). The expression of satisfaction factor forming the loyalty of service consumer. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University 97 p. SUMMARY Nowadays it is very important to sustain a consumer. Master thesis analyzes the impact of satisfaction on forming a loyal consumer. Analysis of satisfaction starts from consumer suspense, identification of quality perception elements and consumer experience. The subject of master thesis is a link between satisfaction and consumer loyalty. The purpose of the work is to prove the importance of satisfaction factor while forming the consumer’s loyalty of hospital service. Master thesis is divided into three parts: research problem analysis, theoretical solutions and empirical research. The first part concentrates on what influences consumer satisfaction, suspense, and quality perception of a patient. Second part presents empirical research, which was based on SERVQUAL methodology and questions the importance of service criteria and consumer expectations. The third part analyzes patients’ satisfaction on hospital services and impact of this experience on patient loyalty results.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014