Title Prevajanje kot sestavni del pouka slovenščine: litovska izkušnja /
Authors Konickaja, Jelena
DOI 10.4312/SSJLK.60.173-179
ISBN 9789612973537
eISBN 9789612973575
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Is Part of Podoba v slovenskem jeziku, literaturi in kulturi, 1.-12. 7. 2024.. Ljubljana : Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, 2024. p. 173-179.. ISBN 9789612973537. eISBN 9789612973575
Keywords [eng] translation ; teaching Slovenian as a foreign language ; language teaching ; University of Vilnius ; contrastive grammar
Abstract [eng] This article deals with translation as an integral part of teaching Slovenian as a foreign language at the University of Vilnius in Lithuania. Different levels of instruction involve translation and the use of students’ native language to varying degrees. For the early or beginner’s level, translation is a necessary part of the lesson because it helps enter a new linguistic reality. The article presents the various functions performed by translation (together with explanations): familiarization with typical Slovenian grammatical categories, discursive phrases, syntactic structures, awareness of differences in the use of common words, and dealing with a different division of the world in language. Translation as a teaching method in Slovenian classes at the University of Vilnius has its own tradition and is based on contrastive grammar.
Published Ljubljana : Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, 2024
Type Conference paper
Language Slovenian
Publication date 2024
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