Abstract [eng] |
The increasing migration of the European nations are increasingly faced with different populations. Probably the first time of these, traditionally migration nations have to accept the new immigration of people identity. This process affects a range of institutions and their functions in society. Particularly noticeable changes in government policy, law and education. There is multiculturalism for a long time in latter area in Europe. Today's classrooms have united many different cultures, languages, ethnicities, religions, etc. Master's thesis object – Education of Intercultural Competence in Primary School. Work objective – to analyse the substance of the primary school. Hypothesis - intercultural communication competence (ICC) paid little attention to primary education. Intercultural topics are common considered in the class of world knowledge. Objectives: Explore the concept of competence, explore competence types; reveal the main features of intercultural competence; Examine education of intercultural competence in primary school characteristics, evolution; To analyze the importance and specificity of intercultural competence in primary school; Master's work may be useful to educational institutions and educators, publishers and textbook creation groups, for teachers, students and educators of communication, culture, events management disciplines. Master's work is based on the promotion of intercultural communication standards of Europe, common programs and educational standards, scientific and methodical literature, articles. Work consists of three parts, which are distributed into sub-chapters. The work analyses and examines the concept of competence, features, qualities of intercultural education and the meaning of competence in details. Research tables have been prepared by using analysed methodical and scientific literature in accordance with the criteria by WB Gudykunst ICC model. Research object - substance of the textbooks of 1-4 classes primary education. Practical part analyzes received results and presents common statistics of the ICC topics. Formulated and presented the findings, the literature list and schedule. Research results are illustrated by pictures and tables. These results suggest the need for the expansion of primary school pupils ICC in education and learning process. Master's work originality and relevance to the present helps to find a clear ICC situation of primary education program. |