Title Gilužio, Balčio, Salotės ežerų hidrosistemų ekologinė būklė vertinant esama žirgelių (Odonata) fauna /
Translation of Title The hydrosystem ecological state of the lakes gilužis, baltis and salotė based on the fauna of dragonflies and damselflies (odonata) found.
Authors Vyliaudaitė, Ieva
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Abstract [eng] Ieva Vyliaudaitė „THE ECOLOGICAL CONDITION OF THE HYDROSYSTEMS IN THE LAKES GILUŽIS, BALTIS AND SALOTĖ BASED ON THE SPECIES OF DRAGONFLIES AND DEMSELFLIES FOUND“. The valuation of the ecological condition of the ecosystems in the lakes Gilužis, Baltis and Salotė as well as the identification of the biodiversity of Odonates in the lakes under the impact of urban expansion was the goal of the research. The main tasks were: first, to indicate the ecological condition of the ecosystems; secondly, to identify the amount and quantity, the biodiversity and the distribution of the species as well as to identify the dominant species; and to clarify the richest and most valuable habitats within the three lakes. The samples of dragon and demselflies were being collected from June to September in the year 2009. 441 insects collected, 24 species identified in total. The Lake Gilužis appeared to show the smallest variaty of the species of Odonates: only 9 species identified within the 122 samples collected. The 22 species identified suggests the widest biodiversity of the dragonflies in The Lake Baltis. The highest number of samples collected in The Lake Salote, where 185 insects collected with 20 species identified. There were two rare and protected species caught in both The Lakes Baltis and Salote (Aeshna viridis and Leucorrhinia albifrons). The three of the lakes appeared to show a different variaty of the species and the distribution of them within the ecosystems of each lake suggesting the different status of the ecological conditions. Based on several ecological indexes the dominant species were classified, as well as the comparison of the biodiveristy between the lakes made, and the most valuable habitats graded.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014