Abstract [eng] |
European Union language policy is developed considering a strategy point intended in the Lisbon strategy to turn the most competitive and dynamic economy of knowledge, create better work conditions for a wider social cohesion. Multilingual section of European committee implementing this point, fitted in with the open method of coordination and made ready the plan of acts for 2004-2006: “To prompt language learning and lingistic variety”. This sheduled to prompt life-long language learning, improve language teaching quality, create favourable settings for language learning. This atitude of language policy is also recorded in Educational provisions of Lithuania (2003-2012). It is out for every citizen to know 2-3 foreign languages except native language consequently schoolchildren are bound to study two foreign languages. The subject of the second foreign language learning at school is very topical for all Lithuania and Europe. Nevertheless the estimation range of studying marches (at the exploratory level exactly) stays researched imperfectly. It is a new phenomenon in Lithuania. The object of this master thesis is second foreign (Russian) language learning. Schoolchildren were given the questionaires (615 respondents participated). The teachers of the second foreign language were questioned (15 respondents) from 17 schools. Quolitative analysis of the test’s results showed that language gains satisfy second foreign (Russian) language demands based on Common Framework and Educational standarts. The evaluation of the schoolchildren’s (from the 10th forms) atitude to second foreign (Russian) language learning estimated that a majority of schoolchildren has a high level of motivation. Schoolchildren understand the importance of Russian language learning for their future life. More than 90 percent of all schoolchildren participated in this research reached pre-intermediate, intermediate and upper-intermediate levels. The achievements of schoolchildren are influenced by the nationality of their parents, linguistic tone in the family (what languages are used for communication), and the type of school. The facts of Russian language learning experience evaluation show that more than the third of the interrogated schoolchildren got the 10th form standarts. Exploratories evaluate their learning success adequatelly enough. Connections with results of tests prove that. Teacher’s forms analysis was accomplished. It must be emphasized that teachers evaluate their expertises very or quite well. The best developed abilities are to control information, to studt and tune up to new situations. More difficult is leading and enterprising, communication with specialists from other areas, care of quality. The most difficult expertise for teachers is to create projects and enterprise them. |