Title Atotolio šeima emigracijos kontekste (socialinės dokumentikos laidos „Emigrantai“ ir vaikų laiškų sociologinė analizė) /
Translation of Title Family with parents abroad in the context of emigration (sociological analysis of telecast "emigrants" and children’s letters).
Authors Kazlauskaitė, Airina
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Pages 69
Abstract [eng] Emigration rate increases after Lithuania becomes the member of European Union. New phenomenon emerges – parents (or one of them) go abroad to work, to look for better living conditions and their children stay in Lithuania in care of their relatives or state. This phenomenon creates the new family form – “family with parents abroad” (FWPA). The purpose of this work is to suggest the theoretical model for analysis of FWPA and display presentation of FWPA in Lithuanian telecast “Emigrants” and in children’s letters. It is implemented by analyzing family partnership in the context of emigration in the first part (presenting statistics and previous analysis of FWPA) and discussing theoretical field for researches on FWPA in the second part (analyzing theories explaining reasons of emigration, theoretical approaches for family: L. Ryan, J. Arango, J. Scanzoni, R. M. Milardo, B. Wellman, N. Charles). According to those approaches and R. Hill ABC-X model of family stress I frame the model for analysis of FWPA. In FWPA as family under stress analysis it is important to pay attention to stressor (A), recourses, helping family to cope with stress (B), stress definition given by family members (C) and consequences of stress (X). In the third empirical part I present two sociological researches. According to created theoretical model FWPA is analyzed using unusual methods. First research - content analysis of television broadcast “Emigrants”. The goal of the research is to analyze how FWPA are presented in Lithuanian television. The second research is analysis of the letters for emigrants, written by pupils of Užupio secondary school. This is analyzed as the important part of the program for parents’ restitution. Content analyses of telecast “Emigrants” reveals twofold meaning of the stressor, given by the family members – positive as possibility to seek goals and negative as separation with family members. The results show that recourses helping family to cope with stress are individual (knowing language, good health, psychological traits); family recourses as physical help (helping finding a job etc.), emotional support (consolation); community recourses (information, contacts). In the analysis, stress of families with parents abroad I divided into 4 groups, according to family coping with stress: mobilizing stress which organize family abroad; traumatizing stress that disturb family adaptation in other country and families plan to get back to Lithuania; reorganizing stress that reorganize family structure, new family is created and temporary stress, when FWPA is conceptualized as temporary period. Content analysis of children letters displays different points of view given by pupils. Letters could be divided into three groups: letters motivating emigrants to come back to Lithuania; letters, supporting emigrants, where children endorse emigration; and letters, blaming emigrants, where children blame them for leaving, abandoning, disappointing. The results of this research show that children give negative meaning to the emigration, negative its consequences for Lithuania. But emigrants are presented more in the positive perspective – children support, understand, defense them.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014