Abstract [eng] |
Summary This work is composed of two parts: theoretical and outcome of the research. First the most common in modern society mental disease –depression- is presented in the theoretical part; symptoms characteristic for this disease are described, causes of its origin and problems of disease dissemination are analyzed and results of the illness. Great attention in this work is devoted to one of the most tragic results – suicide. In the theoretical part there are also surveyed various factors, which have impact on the possibility of a person to adapt to the surroundings in his/her every day life, as well as factors which determine intrapersonal and interpersonal consequences on the patient. In this work there is analyzed impact of depression on the functions and quality of life of a person, taking into consideration various aspects of the quality of life: welfare of a depression struck patient‘s life in his/her family and in the society; impact of the disease on working capacity, adjustment to working environment, and role of subjective aspects of quality of life having depression. The aim of the research – was to analyze peculiarities of life and disease experience of the repeated depression patients. In the process of quality research there were interviewed the repeated-depression patients in the Day Department of Vilnius City Mental Disease Centre. On the basis of the results achieved we can make a statement that various life events and subjective assessment of these events have great importance in the depression genesis of those with depression. However, peculiarities of the disease influenced experience indicated that negative impact of the disease is great, and in many cases- even long-lasting.: everyday life of the patients is confused, there may arise the suicide threat, the disease may cause impairment which may cause working problems; person‘s self- confidence is shaken; one may feel fear of social stigma and that of the close people: all this may cause worse life quality. |