Title Ekologinių prekių ženklų panaudojimo aplinkosauginėje politikoje galimybės Lietuvoje /
Translation of Title The possibility of using eco-labeling in development of environmental policy of lithuanian.
Authors Vinokurova, Justina
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Pages 72
Abstract [eng] European Commission is constantly looking for ways of reducing the whole product life cycle impact on environment. Means of ecological engineering and valuation of product’s life cycle are being implemented in order to produce environmentally friendly products together with economical and media tools for creation of demand for such products. There are many factors stimulating economical entities to use eco-labelling. Environment protection change taking place in the society is one of those factors. Demand for ecological products is one of the main factors forcing companies to produce such products, taking into consideration influence on environment through the all stages of production. The aim of this paper – is to analyze the possibility of using eco-labeling in development of environmental policy of Lithuania. Such tasks have been formulated in order to reach this aim: •To analyze the role of social, ethical and ecological labeling for environmental policy based on works of foreign and Lithuanian authors. •To analyze the role of eco-labeling in EU environmental policy and the experience of other countries in usage of eco-labeling. •To analyze environmental policy and its instruments in Lithuania, by using SWOT analyze. •To describe ecological and other labeling used in Lithuania, and its development tendencies and compare it with experience of other countries. •To prepare recommendations of eco-labeling development in Lithuania. The object of this work is the possibility of using eco-labeling in environmental policy of Lithuania. The volume of this work is 61 pages, in which 3 figures and 20 pictures are presented. This works supplemented with 4 appendixes. The first part of the work describes the role of social, ethical and ecological labeling in EU environmental policy. The second part of the work analyzes the environmental policy and its instruments in Lithuania. The results of conducted empirical research together with it analyses are presented in the last third part of the work. Analysis revealed that after Lithuania became a member of EU, possibilities to use European community eco-label emerged. Lithuania developed necessary legal basis and formally whole system of granting this eco-label is operating. Analysis also validated the hypothesis of paper – the development of ecological labels in Lithuania is burdened by lack of experience, lack of information to society and shortcomings of institutional basis. Paper suggests that knowing the main condition for society to participate in formation of environmental policy – fully and timely inform about environment, and knowing that society is not matured and ready to participate in these processes, it is essential to assure interest and active participation in decision making. One of the most important means is to spread widely the information on eco-labeling using attractive and socially initiative tools.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014