Title Agresyvaus marketingo raiška Lietuvos rinkoje /
Translation of Title Aggressive marketing’s performance in lithuania’s market.
Authors Volodkaitė, Aurelija
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Pages 94
Abstract [eng] The main purpose of business organizations is to get profit from their work. In nowadays a lot of products and services are being offered for customers, so it is not enough for the company to offer just a god product or service. It is necessarily to represent them attractively. One of the ways to do so is to choose to practice aggressive marketing conception. In the work are being analyzed conceptions, elements, features of aggressive marketing and its strategic attitudes. On the ground of theoretic literature was created a theoretic model of aggressive marketing elements and their components, which was developed according to the results of the made researches. In work was also made a review of aggressive marketing practical implementation in Lithuania and abroad. Two researches were made: reconnaissance survey - interview with experts and a questionnaire for consumers. Purpose of the Masters work is to reveal aggressive marketing’s performance in Lithuania’s companies. Object of the work is: aggressive marketing in Lithuania’s companies. Goals of the work are: to review new marketing conceptions and to reveal aggressive marketing concept; to examine the characteristics of the elements of an aggressive marketing and to develop a theoretical model of aggressive marketing’s elements and their components; to prepare an aggressive marketing elements research methodology; after studying users and experts' views on an aggressive marketing campaigns to show the performance of aggressive marketing in Lithuanian companies. After fulfilling the researches it can be seen that Lithuanian companies usually uses aggressive marketing element aggressive actions and revenue increasing. Strategic element, which is necessary for companies’ activities efficiency and long-term success, in Lithuania is seen seldom enough. Effective execution, marketing action integrity and strategic elements are internal, so hardly seen on the outside. Users usually have a negative view on aggressive marketing actions, but companies which use this conception in Lithuania most often work successfully. Work consists of 86 pages, it contains 16 tables, 18 pictures, 85 literature sourses were used.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014