Abstract [eng] |
The aim of this work is to analyse recidyvism conception and its importance in the context of criminal law practise as well as briefly review penitentiary and factual relapse terms. However, this paper concentrates on legal (common) concepts mainly. There are two types of relapse defined in the new Criminal Code: ordinary and dangerous one, therefore both of the sorts are analysed in this thesis. It also includes disclosure of relapse significance in the matter of excusing a person from criminal law responsibility, prescribing with penalty, delaying penalty prosecution, dispensing from penalty execution and importance of relapse in the case of disappearance of previous conviction terms. The major part of this paper is dedicated to analysing relapse terms and consequences in the subject of criminal law in Lithuania, yet an appropriate part of this work is devoted to relapse review of institution regulations similar to Criminal Code of foreign countries. At the end of this thesis conlusions are made that highlights the concepts of relapse along with its advantages and disadvantages. This work consists of six parts: introduction, origin of law rule regulations of relapse and its evolution in the context of criminal law in Lithuania, relapse terms and varieties, its significance, in detail relapse analysis and review of institution regulations similar to Criminal Code of foreign countries, conlusions and bibliographical entries. |