Title Vilniaus miesto sveikatą stiprinančių mokyklų 11-12 klasių mokinių naudojimosi mobiliuoju telefonu mastas bei mobiliojo telefono naudojimo sąsajos su mokinių sveikata /
Translation of Title Vilnius city health promoting schools 11-12 grade schoolchildren using mobile phones extent and using mobile phones coherences with schoolchildren health.
Authors Gurskas, Vitalijus
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Pages 66
Abstract [eng] Introduction. The mobile phone connection technology spreads both in Lithuania and worldwide in recent years. Penetration of mobile phone connection rate is 148.4% in Lithuania, which means that compared with the year 2005 data (60%) it significantly increased. There is done research to clarify the impact of mobile phones to consumers’ health in response to the rapid spread of mobile connection technology in different countries around the world. Research results are very contradictory. Some results of scientific studies show that mobile phones have a negative impact on the health of consumers. However, other authors deny such impact. Thus, health problems caused by the use of mobile phones are not sufficiently explored in order to provide a definitive answer on their harmful effects. Therefore, many authors agree that this is a viable and useful space for exploration. The goal of study - measure the extent of schoolchildren use of mobile phones and linkages with their health. Objectives: 1) Measure the frequency and duration of mobile phone use. 2) Identify the features of students' use of mobile phones: 1.1. Spread of hands-free equipment use. 1.2. Mobile phone storage place. 1.3. Purpose of mobile phone use. 3) Measure the mobile phone use links with pupils' subjective health complaints. Research materials and methods. There was used an anonymous questionnaire survey method in the study. There were interviewed pupils from 11 to 12 classes of Vilnius schools who are strengthening their health. The students filled out the questionnaire of 37 questions on a voluntary basis. A survey was conducted in October – November of 2010. The survey data were processed using SPSS 16.0 software package. There was used to evaluate the statistically significant difference between the groups Mann - Whitney U rank sums criteria. There was also used for categorical data analysis Pearson's chi-square. It was used for connection strength between the rank variables Spearman’s correlation ratio. Difference in the results is considered as significant when p ≤ 0.05. Results and conclusions 1. The large scale of surveyed students is using the mobile phones: about 70% of respondents have 1 mobile phone, and a third part - more than one. Most of the students are using a mobile phone for 7-9 years. 2. Almost half (45.4%) of surveyed students daily speak up to 10 minutes. More than a third part (37.6%) students per day send more than 50 short (SMS) messages. 3. Most of the respondents while speaking with mobile phone are keeping it near the ear, as only smallest part of them are using the hands-free equipment (19.27%). The majority of respondents (81%) are carrying cell phone in their clothes’ pockets. 4. Schoolchildren most commonly use the mobile phone feature - short (SMS) messaging. Both boys and girls often write messages to friends. 5. It was measured statistically significant but weak links with mobile phone use intensity taking into account the potential impact to health symptoms of mobile phone users. It was measured statistically weak significant relationship between frequent headaches, morning fatigue and duration of using a mobile phone. Restless sleep and anxiety about health which may be influenced by cell phones were directly correlated with daily spoken amount of minutes. It was established a weak direct link between general discomfort, tingling and sensation of heat during a mobile phone call in the ear. 6. 62% of respondents believe that some of their health problems are affected by mobile phones: 33.7% of respondents their headaches associated with a use of mobile phone, 39.08% - various discomfort, 15.9% - feeling tired in the morning. 7. The main schoolchildren sources of information about potential negative health effect of mobile phone - Internet, press, radio and TV. More than half of respondents feel the lack of such information and most of them would like to get more knowledge about it.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014