Title Hybrid neural network for multidimensional data visualization /
Translation of Title Hibridinis neuroninis tinklas daugiamačiams duomenims vizualizuoti.
Authors Ringienė, Laura
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Pages 36
Keywords [eng] neural network ; multidimensional data visualization ; radial basis function ; network REGM
Abstract [eng] The area of research is data mining based on multidimensional data visual analysis. This allows researcher to participate in the process of data analysis directly, to understand the complex data better and to make the best decisions. The objective of the dissertation is to create a method for making a multidimensional data projection on the plane such that the researcher could see and assess the intergroup similarities and differences of multidimensional points. In order to achieve the target, a new hybrid neural network is proposed and investigated. This neural network integrates the ideas both of the radial basis function neural network and that of a multilayer perceptron, which has the properties of a ''bottleneck'' neural network. The new network is used for the visual analysis of multidimensional data in such a way that the output values of the neurons of the last hidden layer are the two-dimensional or three-dimensional projections of the multidimensional data, when the multidimensional data is given to the network. A peculiarity of the network is that the visualization results on the plane reflect the general structure of the data (clusters, proximity between clusters, intergroup similarities of points) rather than the location of multidimensional points.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2014