Title Diskriminacija lietuvių kalboje ir kultūroje /
Translation of Title Discrimination in the Lithuanian language and culture.
Authors Smetonienė, Irena
DOI 10.35321/bkalba.2024.97.02
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Is Part of Bendrinė kalba.. Vilnius : Lietuvių kalbos institutas. 2024, Nr. 97, p. 33-53.. ISSN 2351-7204
Keywords [eng] discrimination ; restriction ; limitation of rights ; belittling ; humiliation ; bullying ; discord ; language
Abstract [eng] he word discrimination comes from Latin and means ‘distinction’. It is used in several contexts and is defined differently. In one case, it refers to individuals (internal discrimination) and in another to a particular state and its citizens (external discrimination). In popular usage and public discourse in Lithuania, the term dis-crimination is not clear and well-established, and is sometimes used indefinitely to refer to any manifestation of perceived unfair treatment and intolerance. Some Lithuanian dictionaries (the Dictionary of Standard Lithuanian Language, BLKŽ) choose to give examples of the objects of discrimination, while others use the most general meaning (the academic Dictionary of Lithuanian, DLKŽ). Young people have a very broad understanding of discrimination, ranging from the restriction of rights to hatred, which means that they include in the concept what is not typical of the lexicographic meanings of the lexeme, and this understanding of the concept is typical of our society - discrimination is everything that is against tolerance. the analysis of media texts has highlighted the main profiles of the concept: restriction, limitation, violation, rejection; bullying, humiliation; discord. It should be noted that children’s understanding of discrimination is much broader than that provided in the dictionaries. the content of the concept includes everything that hurts them: when their family or appearance is mocked, when they are envied, how children who dress poorly and unfashionably, or who hail from rural areas, or are overweight, or struggle academically, or lack hygiene, or are different from their peers, are treated. Students not only endure mistreatment from their peers but also perceive a display of authority from their teachers.researchers argue that there is no clear, universal definition of discrimination; rather, it depends on the researcher, the material, and the individual’s personal perception. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that discrimination in Lithuania today includes:– restriction, limitation, and violation of someone’s rights.– differential treatment of individuals.– undermining, humiliation, contempt, oppression, hatred, rejection, and bullying.– the basis for discord.
Published Vilnius : Lietuvių kalbos institutas
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024
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