Title A generative syntactic analysis of Latvian grammatical prefixes jā-, ne- /
Authors Korostenskienė, Julija
DOI 10.22364/vnf.15.08
ISBN 9789934363344
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Is Part of Valoda: nozīme un forma: Gramatika un vārddarināšana = Language: meaning and form: Grammar and word formation.. Rīga : Latvijas Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024. t. 15, p. 119-137.. ISSN 2255-9256. eISSN 2256-0602. ISBN 9789934363344
Keywords [eng] modality ; debitive ; negative ; prefixes ; Latvian ; split-CP ; case assignment ; generative framework
Abstract [eng] The present study explores Latvian grammatical prefixes jā-, ne-, from the generative syntactic perspective. To date, in contrast to significant research within the traditional syntactic dimension, generative syntactic studies of Latvian in general have been very limited, and verbal morphosyntax is yet to become a topic of discussion. Meanwhile, the two grammatical verbal prefixes under analysis raise a number of questions, such as their incompatibility with respect to one another in Standard Latvian, their placement on the generative syntactic tree, and the non-canonical case marking in the debitive construction. To answer these questions, the present study builds on the generative theory of X-bar syntax, Rizzi’s (1997) Split-CP hypothesis, Case Theory (Chomsky 2001), and previous findings on the Baltic verb. The proposed approach to the debitive construction and accompanying non-canonical case-marking in Latvian is hoped to contribute to the existing field of research as well as to have implications for the study of clausal phenomena in Baltic languages from the generative syntactic perspective.
Published Rīga : Latvijas Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2024
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