Title Parametrinės fluorescencijos žadinamos nekoherentiniais šviesos šaltiniais tyrimas /
Translation of Title Research on spontaneous parametric down-conversion pumped by incoherent light sources.
Authors Galinis, Justinas
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Pages 133
Keywords [eng] Spontaneous parametric down-conversion ; light emitting diodes ; nonlinear optics ; quantum optics
Abstract [eng] Spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) – incoherent light scattering – is one of the main entangled photons source applied in quantum optics experiments. The tradition to pump SPDC by laser radiation was established from the very first SPDC experiments in 1968. The aim of this thesis was experimentally to investigate the ability to generate an SPDC pumping by both temporal and spatially incoherent radiation - a high-power blue LED. Weak SPDC signals were registered with high sensitivity CCD cameras, photons coincidences were detected with photon counters. The theoretical simulations were performed in parallel with experiments. Therefore, mathematical simulation code was written in order to estimate the SPDC power distribution and simulate photon coincidence experiment changing the properties of pump beam and detection system. Experimental results reveal that incoherent light sources can be good alternative for the laser systems in order to generate average quality biphoton fields especially in those experiments in which low biphoton field coherency would be advantage. The main advantages of the incoherent sources over laser systems are low cost, simple production technology and the huge commercial variety of different wavelength sources.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014