Title The effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on brain bioelectrical activity /
Translation of Title Transkranijinės magnetinės stimuliacijos įtaka galvos smegenų bioelektriniam aktyvumui.
Authors Valiulis, Vladas
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Pages 63
Keywords [eng] TMS ; EEG ; P300 ; ECT ; transcranial magnetic stimulation
Abstract [eng] Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a modern non invasive method of drug resistant psychiatric disorder treatment. TMS physiology research is hindered by variable, often controversial results. In most studies main attention is being focused on immediate effects after single TMS procedure rather than the influence of a complete therapy course. It is considered that variability of results in TMS practice is caused by different stimulation parameters and imprecision of stimulated area placement in the brain. Although TMS therapy is often viewed as a milder alternative to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), comparative physiological studies of these two methods are very rare. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of rTMS therapy course on bioelectrical brain activity and compare it to an ECT effect. Research included the effect of high and low frequency (10 Hz and 1 Hz) TMS on EEG band power spectrum and auditory evoked potential P300, using both standard and neuronavigated target positioning. TMS evoked EEG changes were also compared to the changes of ECT. Change dynamics after several months of TMS therapy were also measured. Results showed that after TMS therapy the most notable change in the brain occurs in the form of delta power increase. When using standard positioning 10 Hz TMS evokes more diverse and intense EEG band power spectrum changes than the 1 Hz TMS. Application of neuronavigation system decreases theta and alpha band power changes in 10 Hz TMS case. Several months after the TMS therapy delta band power decreased more than theta band power. ECT caused increase of delta and theta band power was several times greater compared to the TMS effect. After TMS therapy decreases of P300 latency and amplitude were observed. Reduction of P300 latency correlated with clinical improvement in depressive symptoms.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2014