Title Knowledge management factors promoting the creation of innovations (summary of doctoral dissertation) /
Translation of Title Žinių vadybos veiksniai, skatinantys inovacijų kūrimą (disertacijos santrauka).
Authors Girnienė, Ingrida
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Pages 49
Keywords [eng] Knowledge management ; innovation ; knowledge management factors ; knowledge management processes ; organizational factors
Abstract [eng] In the contemporary dynamic environment, information and knowledge are one of the most essential assets of organisation and the main sources of innovation. Purposeful management of these resources facilitates faster development of countries; for organisations it helps to create higher added-value and increase competitive advantage. Lithuania, according to the data of the Innovation Union Scoreboard, has relatively low overall index of innovativeness, although the education level of population is rather high. These data indicate that Lithuania still fails to fully exploit its knowledge potential. Analysis in search for explanations of this situation leads to the assumption that the strategic level of organisations often lacks a systematic and integrated approach to knowledge management and fails to create organisational culture favourable to innovation, which would encourage employees to share their knowledge and experience. Thus, the dissertation addresses the research problem: what factors could foster a continuous application of knowledge potential, which in its turn would promote the creation of innovations? One of the main aspects of the novelty of the dissertation is identification and theoretical justification of knowledge management factors promoting the creation of innovations and the accentuation of the importance of their interconnectedness. In the dissertation, with the emphasis on the continuous process of the development of innovations, a theoretical, research based Integrated Knowledge Management Model was constructed, which was used to assess the impact of knowledge management factors on innovation in Lithuanian business organisations.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2014