Title The impact of alternative investment funds on the economy of Lithuania /
Translation of Title Alternatyvaus investavimo fondų įtaka Lietuvos ekonomikai.
Authors Jarašius, Gytis
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Pages 57
Keywords [eng] alternative investment fund ; real estate fund ; hedge fund ; private equity fund ; collective investment undertakings
Abstract [eng] The object of the research – the analysis focuses on AIF which are registered in the Republic of Lithuania and operate in compliance with the LCIU. The research does not include those AIF which operate in Lithuania but were established outside the Republic of Lithuania. The aim of the thesis – to research the impact of the AIF registered in Lithuania on the economy while revealing the factors affected by different types of AIF, establishing the impact of AIF on the shift of these factors, as well as evaluating the complex impact of AIF on the financial system. In order to achieve the goal of the thesis, the funds that comprise AIF were determined and comprehensively analysed, the development and developmental trends of AIF in Lithuania and globally were researched. The lawmaking processes related to AIF were analysed and the impact of legal acts on AIF activities in Lithuania was evaluated; the theoretical impact of AIF on the economy was revealed, the main ways and channels of affecting the economy were established and the concrete factors that apply to the Lithuanian market and are affected by separate types of AIF were defined. The general research was carried out into the possible impact on the Lithuanian economy by AIF registered in Lithuania, also, a feasibility analysis of the impact of separate types of AIF on the economy was conducted and models were created which measure the impact of REF in the real estate market in Lithuania. Taking into account the limitations of the research, in the cases of PEF and HF, alternative research methods were proposed which made it possible to evaluate the impact of PEF on the development of business and the impact of HF on the financial market in Lithuania.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2014