Title Strongly coupled extended plasmonic states for coherent energy exchange /
Translation of Title Koherentiniai energijos mainai išplėstinėse plazmoninėse būsenose esančiose stipriojoje sąveikoje.
Authors Anulytė, Justina
DOI 10.15388/vu.thesis.714
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Pages 140
Keywords [eng] strongly coupled ; photobleaching effect ; energy exchange
Abstract [eng] The aim of this thesis is to investigate the coherence properties of extended plasmon polariton states in the strong coupling regime and their application in the FLIM method and in optical sensor technologies. In this work, the influence of the room temperature strong interaction between SPPs and excitons on the fluorescence lifetime and the photobleaching effect has been investigated using TIRE and FLIM. The total internal reflection ellipsometry (TIRE) method was used to investigate the strong interaction between TPPs and SPPs in nanophotonic structures formed from 1D PC and gold nanosphere lattices. The thesis consists of an introduction, literature review, methods, results and conclusions, summary and reference list. FLIM was used for the first time to evaluate the photobleaching effect, and the results showed that the photobleaching effect in plasmonic-excitonic structures in strong interactions was significantly reduced compared to single rhodamine 6G layers. A new way to control and vary the propagation length of hybrid plasmonic excitation at strong couplings between TPP and SPP components using surface arrays has been found. The optical signal sensitivity of the hybrid plasmonic resonances is also compared and obtained much better than that of the conventional surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in a continuous gold layer.
Dissertation Institution Valstybinis mokslinių tyrimų institutas Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų centras.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2025