Title Conceptualization of gender and sexuality of adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities and content of sexuality (self-)education /
Translation of Title Nežymų intelekto sutrikimą turinčių paauglių lytiškumo ir jo ugdymo(si) turinio konceptualizavimas.
Authors Povilaitienė, Neringa
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Pages 58
Keywords [eng] Gender ; sexuality education ; disability ; adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities.
Abstract [eng] Sexuality education of adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities is a complex socio-cultural and educational phenomenon, significantly influenced by the interaction of social, cultural and educational activities and identity of approach. Therefore, the definition of sexuality education, designing and development of the concept poses new objectives for research and the system of education. The aim of the dissertation research is to conceptualise gender expression and content of sexuality education of pupils with mild intellectual disabilities. The dissertation research presents the substantiation of the model of the phenomenon of gender expression, encompassing the following constructs of gender expression: social skills, communication skills, expression of emotions, sexuality features, and destructive behaviour. Gender both manifests itself through these components and shapes the phenomenon of gender expression in the wholeness of these structural elements. Based on the methodological conception of sexuality education, structure of the phenomenon of gender of adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities and analysis of data of the empirical research, the holistic model of sexuality education of adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities, which gives a sense to the insights made during the theoretical and empirical research about structural elements of the phenomenon of gender expression of these persons, constructs of the content of gender (self-)formation and interaction of participants of the educational process, is designed.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2014