Title |
Lietuvių kalbos veiksmažodžių su priesaga -(i)uoti kirčiavimo raida / |
Translation of Title |
Accentuation history of Lithuanian verbs in -(i)uoti. |
Authors |
Lukšaitė-Ramonienė, Sandra ; Rinkevičius, Vytautas |
10.35321/all91-04 |
Full Text |
Is Part of |
Acta Linguistica Lithuanica.. Vilnius : Lietuvių kalbos institutas. 2024, Nr. 91, p. 77-116.. ISSN 1648-4444. eISSN 2669-218X |
Keywords [eng] |
Lithuanian ; historical accentology ; suffixed verbs ; accentual type, acute ; circumflex ; , accentual dominance ; iconic function ; metatony |
Abstract [eng] |
The article deals with the accentuation history of Lithuanian verbs in -(i)uoti by comparing data from modern dialects, the standard language, and accentuated old texts with the reconstructed state of affairs in the proto-language. In modern Lithuanian, verbs in -(i)uoti are characterized by stress on the suffix, while various attested cases of non-suffix stress testify to the gradual disappearance of this type of accentuation and the establishment of suffix stress. Some cases of non-suffix stress can be considered archaisms (e.g., derivatives from nouns of accentual paradigm 1), while others could be of a later origin, e.g., verbs of the types lūkuriuoti and baltuoti (with root circumflex as an iconic marker of prolonged action). The latter type is characterized by a large dialectal variety of accentual types, and most of the article is devoted to the study of this variety. In the western area of dialects (especially in Lithuania Minor), non-suffix stress is also possible in other kinds of verbs, e.g., onomatopoeic and other expressive verbs, Germanisms, or remodeled verbs in -(i)oti. |
Published |
Vilnius : Lietuvių kalbos institutas |
Type |
Journal article |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2024 |
CC license |