Title |
Pirmosios Lietuvos Respublikos diplomatinis atstovavimas Turkijos Respublikai: Jurgio Baltrušaičio ir Lado Natkevičiaus akreditacijų klausimas / |
Translation of Title |
The diplomatic representation of the Republic of Lithuania to the Republic of Türkiye during the times of the First Lithuanian Republic: the question of Jurgis Baltrušaitis and Ladas Natkevičius‘s accreditation. |
Authors |
Rinkevičius, Šarūnas |
10.15823/istorija.2024.135.1 |
Full Text |
Is Part of |
Istorija.. Kaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas. 2024, t. 135, Nr. 3, p. 5-22.. ISSN 1392-0456. eISSN 2029-7181 |
Keywords [eng] |
Lithuania ; Türkiye ; diplomatic representation ; Jurgis Baltrušaitis ; Ladas Natkevičius |
Abstract [eng] |
The aim of the article is to analyze the diplomatic representation of the Republic of Lithuania to the Republic of Türkiye during the era of the First Republic of Lithuania, based on documents from both states‘ archives, including accreditation records and other relevant materials. Although unofficial contact between Lithuanian and Turkish diplomats was established as early as 1924, official diplomatic relations were only established in 1930, and in 1932 the first Lithuanian envoy to the Republic of Türkiye was appointed. Between 1932 and 1940, there was neither a Lithuanian diplomatic mission in Ankara nor a Turkish diplomatic mission in Lithuania. The diplomatic representation of the Republic of Türkiye to the Republic of Lithuania was conducted by Turkish diplomats residing in Riga, Moscow, Stockholm, and Tallinn, while the diplomatic representation of the Republic of Lithuania to the Republic of Türkiye was conducted through the diplomatic mission of the Republic of Lithuania in Moscow. The first envoy representing Lithuania to the Republic of Türkiye was Jurgis Baltrušaitis (1932–1939). Following his departure to Paris in the spring of 1939, Ladas Natkevičius (1939–1940) became the second Lithuanian envoy to represent Lithuania in Ankara. The article is divided into two parts: the first part focuses on the diplomatic representation of Jurgis Baltrušaitis, while the second part examines the diplomatic representation of Ladas Natkevičius. |
Published |
Kaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas |
Type |
Journal article |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2024 |
CC license |