Title Besimokančios organizacijos veiklos gerinimas taikant naujus kokybės vadybos metodus /
Translation of Title Performance improvement of learning organization by applying new quality management methods.
Authors Gudinavičienė, Eglė
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Pages 83
Abstract [eng] The first part consists of the theoretical analysis, where, with reference to sources by different authors, the following points have been presented and discussed: various aspects of the conception of a learning organisation, the characteristics of a learning organisation, the role of modern management theories in learning organization activities, and the methods of Six Sigma and lean process improvement. In the second part, various empirical studies by foreign and the Lithuanian researchers are discussed, concerning the implementation of quality management models for learning organization activities. In the third part of the thesis, a two-part comprehensive research is analyzed. The first part is an expert survey which was conducted in order to introduce the opinion of experts working in the field of management. The second part is the research of the internal environment of the joint-stock company Kauno baldai – a case study during which organization activity was compared to that prior and after the implementation of the Lean management method. The research results are presented. At the end of thesis the conclusions have been drawn, also suggestions and recommendation have been made.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014