Abstract [eng] |
The building and management of brand image are very important elements for companies operating in such competitive and constantly growing market, where the supply often exceeds the demand. One of the ways to improve the brand image is the ability to reach target market by using communication. The sports sponsorship is one of the methods of successful communication. The objects of the graduation paper are sports sponsorship and sponsor’s brand image. The purpose of the graduation paper is to justify theoretically and to test empirically the influence of sports sponsorship on the sponsor‘s brand image with examples of brands “TonyBet” and “Viči”. The tasks of this graduation paper: 1. To introduce the concept of sports marketing and show the factors that influences the sports marketing. 2. To analyze and summarize the phases of the sports sponsorship. 3. To analyze the formation of brand image. 4. To compose the structural model of the influence of sports sponsorship on the sponsor‘s brand image. 5. To make an empirical research of the influence of sports sponsorship on the sponsor‘s brand image with examples of brands “TonyBet” and “Viči” by using summarized methodical attitudes. 6. To test empirically the influence of sports sponsorship on the sponsor‘s brand image with examples of brands “TonyBet” and “Viči”. The results of empirical researches showed that sports sponsorship affects the sponsor’s brand image in the positive way and stimulate the consumers to choose the sponsor’s goods and services. The results of researches showed that the more consumers are interested in sports the more significant is the influence of sports sponsorship on the consumers’ behavior. The fans’ loyalty to their favorite sport/team motivates them to become loyal consumers of the sport/team sponsors. The graduation paper consists of 77 pages with 6 tables and 52 pictures. |