Title Disentangling single-particle and collective signatures in 12C(p,2p)11B reaction /
Authors Cravo, E ; Crespo, R ; Deltuva, Arnoldas ; Jurčiukonis, Darius
DOI 10.1016/j.physletb.2025.139253
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Is Part of Physics Letters B: Nuclear, elementary particle and high-energy physics.. Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V.. 2025, vol. 861, art. no. 139253, p. [1-5].. ISSN 0370-2693. eISSN 1873-2445
Keywords [eng] Collective excitations ; Few-body reactions ; Proton removal reactions ; Single particle excitations
Abstract [eng] We calculate kinematically fully exclusive cross sections for the 12C(p,2p)11B reaction at Ep=98.7 MeV proton beam energy, leading to the low-lying states of 11B. We use rigorous three-particle scattering framework extended to include simultaneously and consistently both core excitation and single-particle-like excitations. This predicts significant cross sections for the transitions to the final [Formula presented]− (6.74 MeV) excited states that cannot be populated through the direct single-particle excitation mechanism. We show that these two types of excitations manifest themselves with distinct and characteristic features in the scattering observables.
Published Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2025
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