Title “My work Is to show that it’s so much more beautiful when you can mix”: an interview with Kim Thúy /
Authors Kačkutė, Eglė ; Heffernan, Valerie
DOI 10.1093/cww/vpae029
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Is Part of Contemporary women's writing: Special issue: Motherhood, mobility, migration in twenty-first-century women’s writing.. Oxford : Oxford University Press (OUP). 2024, vol. 18, iss. 2, p. 20-31.. ISSN 1754-1476. eISSN 1754-1484
Keywords [eng] Kim Thúy ; écriture migrante ; motherhood ; mobility ; boat people ; Vietnam ; Canada ; Quebec
Abstract [eng] Kim Thúy Ly Thanh, who publishes under the pen name Kim Thúy, was born in Saigon, Vietnam, in 1968. In 1978, when she was ten years old, Thúy and her family fled their home country by sea as part of the mass emigration of people seeking to escape the repressive communist regime and harsh economic conditions in Vietnam after the end of the war. These refugees, who were collectively referred to as “boat people” due to the many small, overcrowded boats they used to escape Vietnam, often faced perilous conditions on the sea; those who survived the risky journey were initially accommodated in refugee camps in Southeast Asia before being resettled in countries such as the US, Australia, France, Germany, and the UK. In this interview, Thúy touches upon the ways in which her writing in French is imbued with the musicality of the Vietnamese language and her imagery is inflected with references to Vietnamese culture. She compares this interchange and cross-fertilization to mixing a cocktail, where seemingly incompatible flavors are blended to create something new and appealing.
Published Oxford : Oxford University Press (OUP)
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
CC license CC license description