Title |
Ankstyvas inkstų pažeidimas ir jo sąsajos su širdies ir kraujagyslių rizikos veiksniais tarp asmenų, kuriems nustatyta padidinta kardiovaskulinė rizika / |
Translation of Title |
Prevalence of early stages of chronic kidney disease and its associations with cardiovascular risk factors in a cohort of patients at high cardiovascular risk. |
Authors |
Rimševičius, Laurynas |
Full Text |
Pages |
48 |
Keywords [eng] |
Albuminuria ; cardiovascular diseases ; chronic kidney disease |
Abstract [eng] |
Chronic kidney disease is recognized as a silent epidemic outbreak of non-communicable diseases. True data on the prevalence of chronic kidney disease is still emerging in many countries ranging from 2.5-10.3% in Asia and 4.2-10.0% in Europe to 8.6-15.6% in USA, with shortage of integral and standardized prophylactic care in primary health system, which should focus on early stages of chronic kidney disease. Also, the presence of chronic kidney disease is a well-known forerunner provoking cardiovascular events. The declining kidney function may increase this risk in an extent-dependent way, and recent meta-analyses show increment of this risk at estimated glomerular filtration rate < 75 ml/min/1.73m2. Improvement in diagnosis of renal impairment in patients with high cardiovascular risk may lead to generally improved health outcome. This study focuses on epidemiology of early stages of chronic kidney disease and main methods that are recommended to screen for kidney impairment in a cohort of middle-age individuals with high cardiovascular risk. 4952 participants with established high cardiovascular risk were enrolled in the study. They were referred as having high cardiovascular risk under Lithuanian High Cardiovascular Risk primary prevention programme. The prevalence of decreased glomerular filtration rate in this cohort was found 33.1% using CKD-EPI equation, and there was a tendency of lower GFR in older age. Urine albumin level ≥ 20 mg/l was found in 11.0% of patients. Combination of diabetes mellitus and hypertension was confirmed as having the greatest link to albuminuria. Albuminuria also had a strong association with the number of components of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular abnormalities, such as left ventricular hypertrophy, diastolic dysfunction, arterial stiffness and findings in carotid and peripheral arteries. |
Type |
Summaries of doctoral thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2015 |