Title Lietuvos aukštųjų universitetinių mokyklų studentų mitybos ir gyvensenos ypatumai, juos lemiantys veiksniai /
Translation of Title The peculiarities of nutrition and lifestyle of the students of Lithuanian universities and the factors determining them.
Authors Dobrovolskij, Valerij
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Pages 144
Keywords [eng] lifestyle of the students ; nutrition ; physical activeness ; psychoactive substances
Abstract [eng] According on the World Health Organization data, human health greatly depends on lifestyle and nutrition. The period of studies is associated with great mental and physical activeness, which should be compensated by complete nutrition. This period is when wrong habits of lifestyle are easily developed, which may have negative consequences in future. The beginning of studies relates to a change of residential environment and new habits of lifestyle. In the dissertation for the first time the nutrition peculiarities, physical activeness, prevalence of psychoactive substances among the students of the Lithuanian universities were analysed and comprehensively assessed by social–demographic characteristics. For the first time in Lithuania the knowledge of the students on nutrition was established and assessed, the factors determining students’ nutrition habits, the use of psychoactive substances, physical activeness and knowledge about nutrition were found out. The results of the dissertation are useful for health politicians and public health specialists in the development of national–strategic documents and measures which should improve the lifestyle of the students and of the entire population of Lithuania.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2015