Title Presidential legislative initiatives under semi-presidentialism: What accounts for their success and failure? /
Authors Jastramskis, Mažvydas ; Pukelis, Lukas ; Palujanskaitė, Miglė
DOI 10.1093/pa/gsae041
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Is Part of Parliamentary affairs.. Oxford : Oxford University Press. 2024, Early Access, p. [1-26].. ISSN 0031-2290. eISSN 1460-2482
Keywords [eng] semi-presidentialism ; Lithuania ; legislative initiatives ; president
Abstract [eng] Few presidents in Europe have the power to propose legislation directly to Parliament. Accordingly, presidential legal initiatives in Europe are not very well researched or understood. This paper seeks to address this research gap by providing an analysis of presidential legal initiatives in Lithuania. We have assembled a dataset of all the presidential legal initiatives proposed in Lithuania since 1993. Using this dataset, we fnd that factors in the political environment signifcantly affect the success of presidential legislative initiatives. Additionally, we fnd that the success of these initiatives partly depends on policy content, as initiatives in foreign and defense policy, on average, tend to be more successful. Lastly, non-partisan presidents in Lithuania become more successful over time; our results suggest a consolidation of consultation mechanisms between the presidents and the legislature.
Published Oxford : Oxford University Press
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
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