Title Citizenship education in Lithuanian preschool education : the teachers’ view /
Authors Bražienė, Nijolė ; Kovienė, Skaistė
DOI 10.2478/jped-2024-0005
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Is Part of Journal of pedagogy.. Warsaw : De Gruyter Poland Sp. z o.o.. 2024, vol. 15, iss. 2, p. 1-19.. ISSN 1338-1563. eISSN 1338-2144
Keywords [eng] early citizenship education ; preschool education teachers ; citizenship education programme ; teachers’ conception/understanding of citizenship
Abstract [eng] In Lithuania, citizenship education for preschool children was not regulated until 2022, and consequently the related issues have not yet received much attention from Lithuanian researchers. However, based on the insights of scientists from other countries it can be argued that in order for children to be active citizens when they grow up, it is important to develop their civic attitudes and behaviour in early childhood. The aim of the research presented in the article is to find out teachers’ attitudes towards citizenship education for young children in Lithuanian preschool education. Summarising the results of a structured group interview, we can state that in Lithuanian preschool education institutions, children receive only a fragmentary and superficial education in citizenship, because, on the one hand, teachers have a narrow conception/understanding of citizenship and, on the other hand, they basically do not understand the content of the citizenship education programme and what components constitute citizenship competence. However, it should be noted that teachers understand the need to change the current practice, but they do not know how this can be done.
Published Warsaw : De Gruyter Poland Sp. z o.o
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
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