Title TIME as a linguo-cultural category reflected in Lithuanian, English and Polish paremia /
Authors Snukiškienė, Irena
ISBN 9786090711071
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Is Part of The 9th international scientific conference on “Linguistic, educational, and intercultural research 2024“, 7-8 November, 2024, Vilnius, Lithuania : book of abstracts.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2024. p. 93-94.. ISBN 9786090711071
Keywords [eng] paremia ; ethnolinguistics ; concept of time ; linguistic worldview
Abstract [eng] Proverbs are repositories of a nation’s wisdom, truth, morality and stereotypical views. Having guided people in their social interactions for thousands of years they affirmed cultural stereotypes and common beliefs. Proverbs and sayings are regarded as cultural tools and valued for their expression of tradition (Mieder, 2004, Obelkevich, 1994, Lauhakangas, 2007). In ethnolinguistics, proverbs and sayings are considered to be one of the most valuable sources, containing elements of the linguistic worldview and revealing a concept’s connotative properties and archaic semantic aspects, vaguely reflected in other types of linguistic data (contemporary texts, spoken language, lexicographic sources, etc.) (Krzyżanowski, 1980, Bartmiński, 1990, Zaikauskienė, 2010). The aim of this research is to reconstruct the linguo-cultural picture of the concept of TIME in Lithuanian, English and Polish paremia. The research applies qualitative analysis of proverbs and sayings selected from the most comprehensive compendia of paremia in all three languages. The study was carried out by using the methodology developed by the Ethnolinguistic School of Lublin, applied in the concept structure analysis. The concept is analysed through the distinction of semantic aspects (i.e., sets of features corresponding to some common characteristic), viewed from interpretive perspectives (i.e., the totality of the properties of the semantic structure of a word) (Bartmiński, 2007, Niebrzegowska-Bartmińska, 2020). Preliminary results indicate that the stereotypical proverbial images of TIME in all three cultures exhibit a high degree of similarity, reflecting some universal truths about the value of time. However, some cultural differences have also been observed, mainly in the use of different metaphorical imagery, comparisons, and associations. In conclusion, the linguo-cultural picture reflected in proverbs is quite stereotypical and archaic, yet it simultaneously reflects the linguo-cultural worldview and axiology of each culture.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2024
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2024
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