Title The role of significant others in the process of internet-delivered intervention for tinnitus: a qualitative study /
Authors Eimontas, Jonas ; Gegieckaitė, Goda ; Arcimavičiūtė, Livija ; Lapė, Deimantė ; Amaliūtė, Gintarė ; Andersson, Gerhard ; Lesinskas, Eugenijus
DOI 10.1016/j.procs.2024.10.368
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Is Part of Procedia computer science: International Society for Research on Internet Interventions 12th scientific meeting (ISRII 12), October 9-14, 2023.. Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V.. 2024, vol. 248, p. 97-103.. eISSN 1877-0509
Keywords [eng] internet intervention ; qualitative study ; role of other people ; tinnitus
Abstract [eng] Internet-delivered interventions for tinnitus have been found to be efficacious in reducing tinnitus distress. Additionally, various client, therapist, and intervention factors related to good outcomes in internet-delivered interventions have been studied. However, the role that other people play in the processes of internet-delivered treatments has received less attention. The aim of this study was to investigate how participants receiving an internet-delivered psychological treatment for tinnitus perceived the role of significant others in the process of their treatment. In total, 14 participants of an internet-delivered CBT and mindfulnessbased psychological interventions for tinnitus were interviewed using a semi-structured interview after the completion of treatment. They were asked a series of questions, including if they told anyone about their participation in the intervention. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and then coded using the method of thematic analysis. Two main themes with three and four sub-themes for each main theme were derived from the data. A) Other people know: 1. Support; 2. Neutrality; 3. Autonomy; 4. Misunderstood. B) Other people do not know: 1. Underappreciated; 2. Hiding; 3. Stigma. Results show that other people played various roles in the participants' efforts to complete the internet-delivered intervention. Some themes were found to be closely related to tinnitus, whereas others were more general. Other people may play a significant role in the treatment process when engaging in internet-delivered interventions, whether actively or passively, as reported by the participants. Stigma and previous negative experiences of not being understood after sharing information about tinnitus were among the few of the reasons for not involving others. In contrast, participants also talked about the positive impact of surrounding people who encouraged and supported their participation in the intervention. Further studies should examine how significant others may impact the engagement with the intervention and possibly the overall effects on treatment outcome. Social support has been shown to be an important factor in treatment success in previous studies. The present study demonstrated participants' experiences with involving significant others with their tinnitus treatment. Strategies for how to meaningfully include surrounding people in internet-delivered treatments need to be investigated as this could increase treatment efficacy.
Published Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2024
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