Title Lietuvos sociologijos istorijos bruožai (I) [pradžia] /
Translation of Title Trends of the history of Lithuanian sociology.
Authors Kraniauskas, Liutauras
DOI 10.15388/SocMintVei.2000.3-4.7229
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Is Part of Sociologija. Mintis ir veiksmas.. Klaipėda : S. Jokužio leidykla-spaustuvė. 2000, Nr. 3-4, p. 105-121, p. 125.. ISSN 1392-3358. eISSN 2335-8890
Keywords [eng] Lithuanian sociology ; history of sociology ; historiography
Abstract [eng] The article analyses a concept of the history of national sociology and discusses its methodological issues in the context of the historical studies of Lithuanian sociology. Two different traditions are distinguished in the historiography of sociology: a) a history of ideas, structured by biographical approach, the changes of sociological paradigms, and development of key sociological terms, b) an analytical perspective composed of quantitative approach and sociology of scientific knowledge.
Published Klaipėda : S. Jokužio leidykla-spaustuvė
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2000
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