Title A psychometric evaluation of the Lithuanian version of the 14-Item resilience scale (RS-14) /
Translation of Title Trumposios psichologinio atsparumo skalės (RS-14) lietuviškos versijos psichometrinės charakteristikos.
Authors Mažulytė, Eglė
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Is Part of Jaunųjų mokslininkų psichologų darbai.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2016, Nr. 5, p. [1-6].. ISSN 2029-9958. eISSN 2351-4620
Keywords [eng] 14-Item Resilience Scale ; Lithuanian version ; psychometric properties ; resilience
Abstract [eng] Abstract. Resilience is an ability to adapt successfully to adversities in life. One of the measures to assess trait resilience is the Resilience Scale and its short version, the 14-Item Resilience Scale (RS-14). The aim of this study is to investigate the psychometric properties of the Lithuanian version of the RS-14. Methods. The RS-14, the World Health Organization well-being index (WHO-5), the Revised Life Orientation Test (LOT-R) and the Trauma Screening Questionnaire (TSQ) were administered to 980 Lithuanian adults, 42% males and 58% females, between 18 to 86 years old. Results. The Lithuanian version of the RS-14 demonstrated good reliability and validity. Cronbach’s alpha was .90 and CFA indices suggested a fair-to-good model fit of a one-factor RS-14 solution. There was no significant effect of age on the RS-14 scores, but males scored significantly higher than females. Conclusions. The study confirms that the Lithuanian version of the RS-14 is a valid and reliable instrument to measure resilience.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2016