Title The origin and diffusion of private documents in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania from the end of 14th to the beginning of the 16th century (1529) /
Translation of Title Privačių dokumentų atsiradimas ir raida Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje XIV a. pabaigoje – XVI a. pradžioje (1529 m.). Disertacijos santrauka.
Authors Klovas, Mindaugas
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Pages 37
Keywords [eng] Private document ; document ; chartes ; history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Abstract [eng] Private documents are documents related to the private (civil) legal sphere issued by dukes, gentry, less wealthy noblemen, townspeople and peasants. According to their purpose, private documents are divided into these types: foundations and donations, testaments, sales, exchanges, pledges, bestowals, debt notes and others. Private documents were collected from Vilnius, Warsaw, Krakow, Minsk and Moscow archives and libraries. During research time we were able to collect 1470 private documents, which chronological range covers 1385-1529 years. Registered 1000 private documents written in Ruthenian, 465 in Latin and 5 in Polish. Disposable forms of documents are originals, copies, transcripts, registers and other. The aim of the research is to investigate the functioning and features of the development of private documents of the GDL from the end of the 14th to the beginning of the 16th century (1529). To this end, dissertation deals with these main objectives. To determine the circumstances of the origin of private documents, to determine the peculiarities of the validity of the document and the spread of its legal importance in the GDL. To examine used authentication measures: sealing, witnesses (testatio), subscriptio and signature of issuer. Through analysis of the formular, to clarify the nature of the development and evolution of the private document. Also, to establish the characteristics of the coexistence of the Latin and Ruthenian document traditions and other.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2017