Title Lean ir apribojimų teorijos integracija organizacijų veiklos tobulinimui /
Translation of Title Integration lean and the theory of constrains for organization improvement.
Authors Remeikienė, Ramunė
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Pages 76
Abstract [eng] INTEGRATION LEAN AND THE THEORY OF CONSTRAINS FOR ORGANIZATION IMPROVEMENT Ramunė REMEIKIENĖ Paper for the Master’s degree Quality Management Master’s program Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics, Management Department Supervisor - assist. D. Ruželė Vilnius, 2017 SUMMARY The work consists of 75 pages, 7 charts, 11 pictures, 48 references. The main purpose of Master’s thesis -the analysis of the scientific literature and empirical data that to establish an integrated Lean and the Theory of Constrains model for organization improvement. The methods. It was used the scientific literature analysis to examine the scientific articles, books, conference material about Lean and the Theory of constrains (TOC), the possibilities for Lean and TOC integration, the advantages and disadvantages of these systems. The scientific literature about qualitative and quantitative research was analyzed and summarized. The study used semi structured interview method for qualitative data collection. Data processed in system analysis method: encodes, combined, interpretation. Results and proposals presented in the summary. The structure of the work. The first section contains an analysis of the scientific literature about the Lean management system, principles and methods, an analysis of the scientific literature of TOC concept, principles, methods and an analysis of the scientific literature on the Lean and TOC differences, similarities, integration opportunities. The second section provides an overview of the scientific literature analysis of research methods, methodology of the empirical research, the summary and the interpretation of the results, based on the literature and the empirical research analysis results created Lean and TOC integration model. Conclusions and recommendations, the used references was represented. Analysis of the scientific literature has shown that Lean and TOC systems have similarities: both systems agree on the importance of value creation for the customer, stream value, pull strategy and constant improvement. The difference between Lean and TOC describes the way in which each system seeks improvement. Lean improvement based on a waste elimination and all the efforts to that. TOC seek to increase throughput. It is useful to create integrated Lean and TOC model in order to improve performance. After the results of the empirical research and literature analysis it‘s possible to state that for integrated model use system must have clear goal, performance and measuring system, expected result. After detailed system analysis need to define the main constrain that block reach the goal, eliminate waste, create flow for effective usage of constrain, improve constrain, analyze and evaluate results. Lean and TOC push system constantly to improve. Lean tool and methods help system to eliminate waste and create flow, TOC help systems to define main issues and priorities on that. In this way system constantly looks for constrains and improvement is going on .The integration of Lean and TOC make system flexible with possibility to react quickly to changes, what gives a great competitive advantage. Keywords: Lean and the Theory of Constraints,Lean and TOC integration, Theory of Constraints, TOC, Lean, Integration model.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2017