Title Fizinių pratimų, atliekamų sėdint, poveikis pusiausvyrai, raumenų jėgai ir gyvenimo kokybei esant išsekimo sindromui glaudžioje bendruomenėje gyvenantiems senyvo amžiaus asmenims /
Translation of Title The influence of chair-based exercises for balance, muscle strenght and life quality in frail older people, living in community setting.
Authors Rimonytė, Vincenta
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Pages 55
Abstract [eng] The Influence of Chair-Based Exercises for Balance, Muscle Strenght and Life Quality in Frail Older People, Living in Community Setting Frailty – geriatric syndrome, which characterized by age-associated declines in physiologic reserves and function across systems of multiorgan and leads to increased vulnerability. Geriatricians still have not any consensus about definition of this syndrom. Significant progress on this point took place in the last decade, and the number of scientific researches has growing exponentially. Lot of researches have been made to reach a general definition of frailty syndrome, significant progress has recently been made in understanding the pathogenesis of frailty. Two major frailty models have been described in the scientific literature: 1) The frailty phenotype defines frailty as a distinct clinical syndrome meeting three or more of five phenotypic criteria: weakness, slowness, low level of physical activity, self-reported exhaustion, and unintentional weight loss. 2) The frailty index defines frailty as cumulative deficits identified in a comprehensive geriatric assessment. Frailty syndrome has negative impact on old adult life quality and it increases the dependence upon the others, therefore this population particularly needs service of health care, and because of that health care system experience big financial burden. The identicication of old adults who are at risk of becoming frail or are frail with subsequent evaluation and setting of the intervention is the key-stone in geriatric medicine and in quality care in aging society. To facilitate the frailty syndrome symptoms, the exercises programme could help to old adult to stay physical independent longer and avoid worsening frailty symptoms. Data are show strong evidence about the benefit of exercises for cardiopulmonary system and also can improve muscle function, and reduce dependency. Syndrome has two directions, and applying intervention programme, it can be recurrent. Old adults often have difficulties to participate in high intensity physical training, therefore chair-based exercise programme is used as safe alternative. However the benefit for health is still unclear, and researchers have not any concensus about optimal exercise programme.  .
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2017