Title Asmenų, patyrusių miokardo infarktą, dalyvumo kasdienėse veiklose sąsajos su nerimu ir depresija bei sociodemografiniais ypatumais /
Translation of Title The relationship between participation in daily activities, depression-anxiety and sociodemographic characteristics in patients after myocardial infarction.
Authors Arlauskienė, Justina
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Pages 79
Abstract [eng] The Relationship Between Participation in Daily Activities, Depression-Anxiety and Sociodemographic Characteristics in Patients After Myocardial Infarction Author Justina Arlauskienė. Master’s thesis of rehabilitation science. Supervisor L. Būtėnaitė PhD, Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Rehabilitation, Physical and Sports Medicine. Consultant Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation doctor G. Narmontaitė. Vilnius university, 2017, 79 pages. The aim of reaserch – access the relationship of daily activity, depression, anxiety and socio-demographic characteristics in people with myocardial infarction after coronary artery bypass surgery or percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Research tasks: 1. To identify socio-demographic characteristics of individuals with myocardial infarction after after CABG and PTCA. 2. To evaluate and compare anxiety and depression symptoms in individuals with myocardial infarction after CABG and PTCA. 3. Identify and compare the relationship between participation in daily activities and anxiety – depression symptoms in individuals with myocardial infarction after CABG and PTCA. 4. To compare the relationship of participation in daily activities, the symptoms of anxiety and depression depending on socio-demographic characteristics. The research was performed at Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Clinics 3rd department of rehabilitation. Daily activities evaluated using International Functioning Classification of Disability and Health (ICF) and hospital anxiety – depression scale for evaluation of anxiety-depression symptoms. Data analysis of the research was performed using MS Office Excel 2013 and IBM SPSS 17.0 applications. The main results of the research: statistically significant relationship was found in almost all IFC activities and participation subscales between PTCA group individuals and CABG group relationship was found just in a few scales of mobility, home activities, interpersonal relations and major areas of life. Increasing symptoms of anxiety and depression are associated with low participation in daily activities between male, pensioners and low education persons both in PTCA and CABG groups. Increasing anxiety-depression symptoms married individuals of CABG group have difficulties in family relationship, while those of PTCA group have less problems. While anxiety symptoms are increasing, more difficulties in daily activity have pensioners and divorced/lonely in CABG group and pensioners, low educated and divorced/lonely in PTCA group. While depression symptoms increase more participation problems have female, low educated and pensioners in CABG group and pensioners in PTCA group. It is important that increasing depression symptoms in PTCA group female experience less problems at work and high educated individuals experience less problems in family relationships. Conclusions: 1. There are no significant differences between genger, education and marital status and groups of PTCA and CABG are similar. Groups significantly differed in employment – all of CABG individuals were pensioners or had no job due to illness. The highest proportion of groups individuals are men, low educated and maried. 2. There were no significant differences in a comparison of anxiety symptoms in CABG and PTCA treatment groups. But CABG group individuals have stronger depression symptoms in a comparison with PTCA group. 3. Anxiety and depression are correlated with participation in daily activity in both PTCA and CABG groups. Increasing anxiety and depression symptomes related to increasing participation in daily activities problems. 4. Male, pensioners, devirced and low educated have higher difficulties of participation in daily activity as anxiety and depression symptomes are increasing in CABG and PTCA goups. The results were significant depending on type of intervention (CAGB and PTCA) and deprresion-anxiety symptomes.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2017